6 min read

시계열 심화

BOX-COX 람다추정 하는법

 x <- rexp(1000) # 지수분포로부터 난수를 발생시킨다.
 qqnorm(x) # 정규확률그림 생성

 boxcox(x~1) # 로그-가능도 프로파일 생성

 p <- powerTransform(x) # 박스-콕스 변환의 람다 추정
## Estimated transformation parameter 
##         x 
## 0.2631179
 y <- bcPower(x, p$lambda) # 박스-콕스 변환

 qqnorm(y) # 변환된 자료의 정규확률그림 생성


샘플을 생성한다

t <- 200 # Number of time series observations
k <- 2 # Number of endogenous variables
p <- 2 # Number of lags

상관계수 행렬 생성

A.1 <- matrix(c(-.3, .6, -.4, .5), k) # Coefficient matrix of lag 1
A.2 <- matrix(c(-.1, -.2, .1, .05), k) # Coefficient matrix of lag 2
A <- cbind(A.1, A.2) # Companion form of the coefficient matrices

예제 2

##        e              prod             rw              U         
##  Min.   :928.6   Min.   :401.3   Min.   :386.1   Min.   : 6.700  
##  1st Qu.:935.4   1st Qu.:404.8   1st Qu.:423.9   1st Qu.: 7.782  
##  Median :946.0   Median :406.5   Median :444.4   Median : 9.450  
##  Mean   :944.3   Mean   :407.8   Mean   :440.8   Mean   : 9.321  
##  3rd Qu.:950.0   3rd Qu.:410.7   3rd Qu.:461.1   3rd Qu.:10.607  
##  Max.   :961.8   Max.   :418.0   Max.   :470.0   Max.   :12.770



## 단위근검정시행

adf1 <- summary(ur.df(Canada[, "prod"], type = "trend", lags = 2)) #비정상추세있음
## ############################################### 
## # Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Unit Root Test # 
## ############################################### 
## Test regression trend 
## Call:
## lm(formula = z.diff ~ z.lag.1 + 1 + tt + z.diff.lag)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.19924 -0.38994  0.04294  0.41914  1.71660 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
## (Intercept) 30.415228  15.309403   1.987   0.0506 .
## z.lag.1     -0.075791   0.038134  -1.988   0.0505 .
## tt           0.013896   0.006422   2.164   0.0336 *
## z.diff.lag1  0.284866   0.114359   2.491   0.0149 *
## z.diff.lag2  0.080019   0.116090   0.689   0.4927  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.6851 on 76 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1354, Adjusted R-squared:  0.08993 
## F-statistic: 2.976 on 4 and 76 DF,  p-value: 0.02438
## Value of test-statistic is: -1.9875 2.3 2.3817 
## Critical values for test statistics: 
##       1pct  5pct 10pct
## tau3 -4.04 -3.45 -3.15
## phi2  6.50  4.88  4.16
## phi3  8.73  6.49  5.47

변수들이 차분 1이 필요

VARselect(Canada, lag.max = 8, type = "both") #시차 2가 가장 큰작은 값을 가짐 
## $selection
## AIC(n)  HQ(n)  SC(n) FPE(n) 
##      3      2      1      3 
## $criteria
##                   1            2            3            4            5
## AIC(n) -6.272579064 -6.636669705 -6.771176872 -6.634609210 -6.398132246
## HQ(n)  -5.978429449 -6.146420347 -6.084827770 -5.752160366 -5.319583658
## SC(n)  -5.536558009 -5.409967947 -5.053794411 -4.426546046 -3.699388378
## FPE(n)  0.001889842  0.001319462  0.001166019  0.001363175  0.001782055
##                   6            7           8
## AIC(n) -6.307704843 -6.070727259 -6.06159685
## HQ(n)  -5.033056512 -4.599979185 -4.39474903
## SC(n)  -3.118280272 -2.390621985 -1.89081087
## FPE(n)  0.002044202  0.002768551  0.00306012

결과를 보면 각자 다른 차수를 추천

AIC(n)  HQ(n)  SC(n) FPE(n) 
3      2      1      3 

sc가 추천해준 시차 1

Canada <- Canada[, c("prod", "e", "U", "rw")]
p1ct <- VAR(Canada, p = 1, type = "both")
## VAR Estimation Results:
## ======================= 
## Estimated coefficients for equation prod: 
## ========================================= 
## Call:
## prod = prod.l1 + e.l1 + U.l1 + rw.l1 + const + trend 
##     prod.l1        e.l1        U.l1       rw.l1       const       trend 
##  0.96313671  0.01291155  0.21108918 -0.03909399 16.24340747  0.04613085 
## Estimated coefficients for equation e: 
## ====================================== 
## Call:
## e = prod.l1 + e.l1 + U.l1 + rw.l1 + const + trend 
##       prod.l1          e.l1          U.l1         rw.l1         const 
##    0.19465028    1.23892283    0.62301475   -0.06776277 -278.76121138 
##         trend 
##   -0.04066045 
## Estimated coefficients for equation U: 
## ====================================== 
## Call:
## U = prod.l1 + e.l1 + U.l1 + rw.l1 + const + trend 
##      prod.l1         e.l1         U.l1        rw.l1        const        trend 
##  -0.12319201  -0.24844234   0.39158002   0.06580819 259.98200967   0.03451663 
## Estimated coefficients for equation rw: 
## ======================================= 
## Call:
## rw = prod.l1 + e.l1 + U.l1 + rw.l1 + const + trend 
##      prod.l1         e.l1         U.l1        rw.l1        const        trend 
##  -0.22308744  -0.05104397  -0.36863956   0.94890946 163.02453066   0.07142229
summary(p1ct, equation = "e") #e 시계열만  보여줌
## VAR Estimation Results:
## ========================= 
## Endogenous variables: prod, e, U, rw 
## Deterministic variables: both 
## Sample size: 83 
## Log Likelihood: -207.525 
## Roots of the characteristic polynomial:
## 0.9504 0.9504 0.9045 0.7513
## Call:
## VAR(y = Canada, p = 1, type = "both")
## Estimation results for equation e: 
## ================================== 
## e = prod.l1 + e.l1 + U.l1 + rw.l1 + const + trend 
##           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## prod.l1    0.19465    0.03612   5.389 7.49e-07 ***
## e.l1       1.23892    0.08632  14.353  < 2e-16 ***
## U.l1       0.62301    0.16927   3.681 0.000430 ***
## rw.l1     -0.06776    0.02828  -2.396 0.018991 *  
## const   -278.76121   75.18295  -3.708 0.000392 ***
## trend     -0.04066    0.01970  -2.064 0.042378 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.4701 on 77 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-Squared: 0.9975,  Adjusted R-squared: 0.9973 
## F-statistic:  6088 on 5 and 77 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16 
## Covariance matrix of residuals:
##           prod        e        U        rw
## prod  0.469517  0.06767 -0.04128  0.002141
## e     0.067667  0.22096 -0.13200 -0.082793
## U    -0.041280 -0.13200  0.12161  0.063738
## rw    0.002141 -0.08279  0.06374  0.593174
## Correlation matrix of residuals:
##           prod       e       U        rw
## prod  1.000000  0.2101 -0.1728  0.004057
## e     0.210085  1.0000 -0.8052 -0.228688
## U    -0.172753 -0.8052  1.0000  0.237307
## rw    0.004057 -0.2287  0.2373  1.000000
ser11 <- serial.test(p1ct, lags.pt = 16, type = "PT.asymptotic") #포트만토검정
##  Portmanteau Test (asymptotic)
## data:  Residuals of VAR object p1ct
## Chi-squared = 233.5, df = 240, p-value = 0.606
var.2c <- VAR(Canada, p = 2, type = "const")
predict(var.2c, n.ahead = 8, ci = 0.95)
## $prod
##          fcst    lower    upper       CI
## [1,] 417.2623 415.9835 418.5411 1.278808
## [2,] 417.7410 415.7854 419.6965 1.955532
## [3,] 418.2196 415.7674 420.6717 2.452134
## [4,] 418.5639 415.6897 421.4380 2.874136
## [5,] 418.7644 415.5065 422.0224 3.257935
## [6,] 418.8374 415.2253 422.4494 3.612043
## [7,] 418.8097 414.8748 422.7446 3.934890
## [8,] 418.7110 414.4881 422.9340 4.222973
## $e
##          fcst    lower    upper        CI
## [1,] 962.6557 961.9446 963.3668 0.7111044
## [2,] 963.6538 962.3422 964.9654 1.3116050
## [3,] 964.6932 962.8261 966.5603 1.8670903
## [4,] 965.6882 963.3092 968.0671 2.3789396
## [5,] 966.5814 963.7240 969.4387 2.8573301
## [6,] 967.3460 964.0344 970.6576 3.3116112
## [7,] 967.9769 964.2302 971.7236 3.7467269
## [8,] 968.4827 964.3193 972.6461 4.1633974
## $U
##          fcst    lower    upper        CI
## [1,] 6.428832 5.880708 6.976957 0.5481244
## [2,] 5.903919 5.017510 6.790327 0.8864083
## [3,] 5.396177 4.219319 6.573035 1.1768580
## [4,] 4.949219 3.518061 6.380377 1.4311576
## [5,] 4.595008 2.932516 6.257500 1.6624923
## [6,] 4.343933 2.463420 6.224445 1.8805126
## [7,] 4.191928 2.102592 6.281265 2.0893366
## [8,] 4.126745 1.837864 6.415625 2.2888805
## $rw
##          fcst    lower    upper       CI
## [1,] 470.2954 468.7660 471.8247 1.529348
## [2,] 470.8948 468.8195 472.9701 2.075289
## [3,] 471.5360 469.0592 474.0128 2.476757
## [4,] 472.2490 469.4525 475.0456 2.796577
## [5,] 473.0652 469.9976 476.1329 3.067654
## [6,] 473.9943 470.6851 477.3035 3.309184
## [7,] 475.0275 471.4966 478.5584 3.530898
## [8,] 476.1454 472.4082 479.8825 3.737164